Synergy Homecare honors caregivers

  • Synergy Homecare honors caregivers.

    Synergy Homecare honors caregivers.

    Synergy Homecare honors caregivers.

Synergy Homecare of Southeast Texas believes that caregivers are essential in taking care of seniors, especially amid current COVID-19 crisis.

That’s why, on July 30, Synergy Homecare honored these heroes in health care who put the needs of others ahead of their own. The business provided lunch for area caregivers and dinner at its Beaumont office.

According to Synergy, these caregivers are often the only people with whom seniors have direct contact and help with everything from personal care to just being there to talk.

“An estimated 40,000 seniors have died from COVID-19 in nursing homes, and families are moving loved ones out to live at home,” the company reported at the time of the vent. “But who will care for them at home?” 

Synergy Homecare knows that because many adult children live far from their elderly loved ones, those children are more concerned about Mom and Dad than ever before, especially is they live alone or have too little social contact. Researchers call isolation among seniors “a public health crisis equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.” The same study reveals that lonely elders are 50% more likely to die prematurely than those who are social.

“Now more than ever there is a great need for our community to help us bridge the gap between recruiting qualified, compassionate caregivers and providing invaluable care to our greatest generation,” said Courtney King of Synergy Homecare. “It’s our mission to give back to the generation that so selflessly gave to us.”

Synergy homecare is also hiring. While other companies have laid off staff or suspended hiring during the economic downturn created by the pandemic, Synergy is taking on new staff, instead. Check out career opportunities at the Synergy Homecare website, or call your local office to find out more.