As freeze continues, city remains shuttered

  • Beaumont to feel single-digit temperature going into Feb. 16

    Beaumont to feel single-digit temperature going into Feb. 16

    Beaumont to feel single-digit temperature going into Feb. 16

Based on the current weather forecast, indications are that temperatures will drop below freezing again tonight, refreezing the slush that is on the roadways right now, city of Beaumont warnings detailed late Monday, Feb. 15.

“Driving conditions are still very difficult.  Additionally, there is a good chance that temperatures will stay below freezing until Wednesday, (Feb. 17) so icy conditions on roads may continue for 36-48 more hours.”

Those with appointments on Feb. 15 and 16 will be contacted for vaccine scheduling adjustments.  
All non-essential city facilities, including the landfill and transit system, will be closed Tuesday.  

“City offices may open Wednesday, but a decision will be made (Feb. 16) based on weather conditions. Trash pickup was postponed for two days, accordingly, Monday's pickup will be rescheduled for Wednesday and so on. 

The Feb. 16 city council meeting has been postponed, as well.