Refinery refutes ‘rumors’

  • USW memo from February

    USW memo from February

    USW memo from February
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Nov. 12, ExxonMobil released two updates to dispel what the company asserts is untruthfulness presented to union workers currently embroiled in a work lockout that commenced May 1, after contract negotiations broke down at the beginning of the year with the United Steelworkers (USW) union.

“The union continues to spread misinformation about how we got here, and you deserve to know the truth,” a memo penned to affected workers reads.

According to the mailer, the lockout is a direct result of a union-issued strike notice that still has not been withdrawn.

“Strike notices are a huge deal,” the correspondence continues. “The Company designs most of its EMCO plan and incurs cost based on strike notice.

“The Company could not ensure safe continuous operations with the union being able to strike anytime with only 24 hours’ notice.”

Furthermore, decertification of the union was not the goal from the beginning, the company memo explains, although it does assert that decertification is the best option now.

“The Company favors decertification and encourages employees to vote ‘No’ now because we believe everyone would be better off. Non-represented employees avoid strikes and lockouts and can always bring back a union if they are not satisfied.”

As far as “rumors” that “suggest that the Beaumont Refinery and Blending & Packaging Plant will go back ‘on-pattern’ if a contract is not ratified by YE21,” the company maintains that the Beaumont refinery “is not a pattern site.”

“Although we are not a pattern site and have no desire to go back on pattern, we can tell you that it is likely that the next NOBP (National Oil Bargaining Pattern) deal will include a three year term from 2022 to 2025,” ExxonMobil material further divulges. “Under the terms of the Company’s current offer, our next contract would expire in 2027. Furthermore, the USW Local has not made a proposal (that) would align the terms of the Beaumont Refinery’s contract with pattern negotiations.”