Boone boosted to Beaumont city manager

  • Chris Boone

    Chris Boone

    Chris Boone

After a 6-1 vote during its Feb. 8 meeting, the Beaumont City Council voted to approve a new interim city manager to take over March 31. 

With Councilman AJ Turner casting the only nay vote, city councilors elected Chris Boone, director of planning and community development, to take over as city manager when Kyle Hayes retires at the end of March.

"While all four candidates were extremely qualified, the Council believes Mr. Boone has the best combination of skills and qualifications to usher the City of Beaumont into its next chapter. We're excited for the future and to see what he will do as interim," said current Mayor Robin Mouton. "We are thrilled to continue working with Mr. Boone in a larger capacity. He has been a dedicated employee of the City of Beaumont for over fifteen years and has a vested interest in seeing the community grow."

According to the mayor's message, the search continues for a permanent city manager with Baker Tilly US, LLP, a consulting firm hired by City Council Jan. 25 to provide executive recruitment services to fill the position.