Neches Brewing Company bartender on trial for felony theft

  • Neches Brewing Company

    Neches Brewing Company

    Neches Brewing Company

A trial began March 8 accusing a former Neches Brewing Company employee of using her position to steal money from the brewery. 

Chelsea Fountain, 29, one of Neches Brewing Company’s first hires according to its owner, entered a plea of not guilty Tuesday morning in Judge Raquel West’s courtroom. She's charged with felony theft for allegedly stealing approximately $10,000 between 2018 and 2020.

According to information presented in court by owner Tyler Blount, Fountain would give out free beer tokens to friends -- tokens that were intended for charity events. 

“My own parents pay for beer,” Blount said, further stating Fountain would fudge her time sheets, as well.