Fast & Furious: ‘Pissed off’ driver turns shooter

  • A copy of Doucet's indictment

    A copy of Doucet's indictment

    A copy of Doucet's indictment
  • Doucet



After he allegedly shot another man in the head with a shotgun after escalating a road rage incident which originated on North Major Drive July 27, a Jefferson County grand jury indicted a 26-year-old Beaumont man for aggravated assault Oct. 26.

According to a probable cause affidavit penned by Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office’s (JCSO) Detective Daniel Powell, Jonathan Chandler Doucet allegedly shot twice at another driver with whom he had been arguing as they drove through traffic. Detectives say the victim survived pellets piercing his left eye, damaging his brain. 

After a jurisdictional discussion with Beaumont police, JCSO detectives determined the offense occurred within the realm of their purview sometime after 9:30 p.m. Powell arrived at the scene of the eventual crime, Suez Water Technologies on Highway 90, to learn that EMS personnel life-flighted the victim to Memorial Herman in Houston – where he survived despite a few pellets “making it past the skull and into his brain.”

“I spoke to a security guard, (whose) assigned duty was at Suez Water Technologies,” Powell wrote of his investigation. “He observed a gray truck pull into the drive (Doucet), followed by a black Lexus (the victim). He observed a male (Doucet) exit his truck and approach the Lexus, where he observed a struggle between them. He observed Doucet return to his truck, pull out a shotgun and fire twice (toward) the Lexus.”

Powell spoke to Doucet, who explained that he was approaching Washington Blvd. while driving on Major. Doucet says the Lexus’ driver cut him off once they left the intersection of the aforementioned streets. From there, Doucet decided to catch up to the Lexus and began a shouting match, with each allegedly telling the other to “pull over.”

Doucet said the verbal dispute continued until they reached College St., where the Lexus driver turned left and began heading west on Hwy 90. 

“Doucet stated when the Lexus turned, he decided to follow him and drove fast to catch up to the Lexus where the two continued to have an argument while driving,” Powell wrote. 

Once the two pulled over, Doucet said the victim exited his vehicle with a knife, grabbed him by the neck and walked him to his truck, cutting him on the elbow in the process. In response, Doucet said he loaded two shells into the shotgun he keeps behind the driver’s side headrest before firing two shots at his victim. The assailant claims that he fired the second shot after observing the victim brandish a handgun through his open window. However, detectives found multiple fallacies in Doucet’s claims.

“My investigation in this case through video surveillance and evidence collected (photographs) revealed that (the victim) did not have a firearm on his person or inside his vehicle,” Detective Powell asserted. “It was discovered that when (the victim) exited his vehicle, Doucet began to assault (him). (The victim) admitted to pulling a knife on Doucet and placing the tip of the knife in the middle of his back, demanding Doucet to return to his vehicle and leave.

“Video evidence shows (the victim) (entered) his vehicle, (closed) the door and, within seconds, Doucet fired his shotgun once into the back driver’s side door and once through the rolled up window – striking (the victim). An interview with (the victim) was consistent with the evidence collected.”

After the shooting, according to the affidavit, Doucet drove to a nearby gas station, where he called his stepdad. He advised that the 26-year-old shooter call his step-mother, who called the police when she learned what happened.

“I asked Doucet why he did not continue straight on Major Drive, instead of following the Lexus,” Powell penned. “He stated that he was just pissed off.”

According to JCSO’s record, Doucet lived in an apartment complex in the 3800 block of North Major at the time of the crime. 

As of press time, Doucet’s name did not appear on the Jefferson County inmate roster.

B. Scott McLendon is a nationally award-winning journalist in his fourth year covering Beaumont. Contact Scott with questions, comments and story ideas by calling (334) 482-2801, emailing or visiting The Examiner at 795 Willow Street in Downtown Beaumont.